Mission / objectives

The mission of the Innovation office of ONU is to serve as a regional hub for integrating innovative activity of academic and research institutions, governmental agencies and business companies in the Southern Ukraine by providing world class service on research, development and commercialization of innovation products on local, national and international markets.

     Objectives of the Innovation office of ONU:

1. To support the national policy of Ukraine in the field of innovative activity, knowledge and technology transfer under the framework of the National Strategy for economic and social development for 2004-2015 “Following the Way of European Integration” by scientific and education activities
2. To contribute to forming a nation-wide network of researchers and inventors by integrating local actors into national and international knowledge dissemination activities, to shorten the innovation development lifecycle by facilitating ONU researchers and business cooperation, to participate in developing the regulation for better functioning of national innovative product markets.
3. To support innovations, knowledge and technology transfer, to motivate the innovative activity of ONU scientists and researchers by expansion the possibilities for application and practical use of their inventions, new knowledge and technologies, intellectual property rights, patents, results of scientific, technical and research activity.
4. To conduct the regular dialog between ONU researchers and scientists, from the one side, and businessmen, entrepreneurships and other subjects of the Ukrainian innovative system, from the other side.
5. To organize the public popularization of the results and new achievements of scientific, technical and research activity of ONU in the field of innovations, knowledge and technology transfer.

Innovations of ONU Other innovations Research groups