1. Main characteristics, description of the offer.

The environment-protection development is aimed at ensuring environmental safety of the ground in extreme situations related to oil spills.

Biotechnology involves the use of the biological product, which is immobilized by special technology on complex organic substrates of nonpathogenic bacteria-destructors genus Pseudomonas. Biological product reveals a sorption and destructive activity against hydrocarbons. The method is intended for use in the environmental biotechnology bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils. The designed biotechnology of soil purification from oil involves the following stages:

Stage I — the use of mechanical methods for maximal oil collection from soil by mechanical methods.
Stage II — Rehabilitation of contaminated soil using biotechnological methods and biological product for reducing the concentration of oil in the soil, its restructuring, restoring water and aeration modes — necessary conditions for biological processes in the soil. Completion of stage II will be the seeding herbaceous plants in the area. To consolidate the effect of cleaning and land reclamation the green manuring is carried, thus increasing complex heterotrophic microorganisms involved in decomposition of plant residues and thus saturate the contaminated soil not only by rests of decomposition of organic compounds, but also by active soil microbiota. The above set of activities creates optimal conditions for degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons, restoration of structured soil with plant components, reducing petroleum waste more than 90% in 80 days.

2. Innovations and advantages of the offer. Patent search and market substitutes’ comparative analysis.

Biotechnology is a priority not only in Ukraine, but also in the world. Comparative analysis made on the basis of patent search shows that the combination of essential features of technical solutions the developed environmentally friendly biotechnology surpasses existing analogues on the degree and speed of cleaning soil from oil pollution, especially in extreme situations.

3. Domain of application. Potential customers of the final product / service.

Biotechnology can be realized can be applied for implementation in oil-producing, refining, chemical and steel plants, as well as public and private environmental and nature conservation organizations, businesses waste disposal and elimination of pollution, agricultural enterprises. Development can be used at wastewater treatment plants in commercial ports.

4. Profitability, market attractiveness, introduction and sales costs, price.

The developed microbial biotechnology eliminates oil pollution environmentally and economically feasible, does not require the use of expensive imported equipment and materials.

5. Current stage of development. Existent results of introduction.

The innovation is currently on the stage of an inventions and it is protected by four patents of Ukraine (№ 45191 from 26.10.2009, № 48290 from 25.12.09, № 49906 from 11.05.2010, № 10 588/1 of 06.10.2010). The methodological guidelines for using biotechnology to clean soil from oil pollution are developed. The biological product has been produced and can be used during the provision of services for cleaning soil to a customer.

Октябрь 24, 2012
Innovations of ONU Other innovations Research groups